Recipe of Delicious French Toast

Get this all-star, easy-to-follow recipe of french toast from our food experts. You can also get some varieties or make your special one.

French toast is considered a breakfast staple. The savory elements of the toast soaked in custard combined with the sweetness of maple syrup creates a combination that is difficult to pass up. The key to creating ideal French toast is using thick bread that is a few days old, since fresh, thin slices tend to fall apart when soaked in the rick custard. There are many variations when it comes to topping French toast. A few classic ideas are shared here.

Ingredients of French Toast Recipe

For this recipe you will need:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 8 slices of thick, stiff bread. Bread should be 2 days old or slightly stale
  • Butter
  • Maple syrup for topping

Optional ingredients include:

  • 2 teaspoons fresh orange zest
  • 1/4 cup triple sec
  • Fresh berries

Directions of French Toast Recipe

Begin by beating your eggs so that the yolks and whites begin to combine. Then whisk in the milk and cinnamon. If you would like to add the triple sec or orange zest as flavoring agents, do so now. Once all ingredients are evenly combined, pour your mixture into a shallow bowl large enough to fit your bread slices into.

Take individual slices of your bread and dip them into the custard mixture, making sure that they are submerged. You may also flip the toast if it is not covered by the custard. Leave them in the bowl for a few seconds so that they may absorb some of the custard mixture.

Meanwhile, heat your griddle to medium high heat and melt butter over the surface. You may also coat your griddle with vegetable oil if necessary. Place your bread slices on the prepared griddle.

Allow your toast to fry until the bottom is golden brown, at which point you may flip the bread to cook the other side. The second side usually takes less time to cook than the first, so watch your toast carefully.

Serve your finished French toast with additional butter and maple syrup. Other optional serving touches include fresh berries, powdered sugar or whipped cream.


Ingredients to be used


Estimated time

Step 1

Eggs, milk, cinnamon

Beat the eggs, then whisk together with milk and cinnamon to create the custard. Pour contents into a shallow bowl.


Optional Step 2

Triple sec or orange zest

If you will be including the liquor or orange zest, add these ingredients while whisking in the milk and cinnamon.


Step 3


Dip each bread slice into the egg mixture. Give the slice time to soak up the mixture.


Step 4


Coat a griddle set on medium high heat with butter (vegetable oil may be used as well).


Step 5

Prepared bread slices

Place as many bread slices that will fit onto your griddle. Fry until it turns golden brown, then flip and repeat.


Step 6

Completed toast, maple syrup and berries (optional)

Serve your French toast with additional butter, maple syrup and optional fresh berries.


What's really wonderful about French toast is that you can really add anything you like to the custard. You can click HERE to get more varieties you can try. However, be aware to not put too much sweet ingredients in the French toast recipe, since it won't be really healthy.  



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