All Urinary Tract Disorders Topics

Jun 22, 2021

What Is Kidney Dialysis?

People who have severe kidney disease must learn more about dialysis because it may be the only treatment that can add years to their life. Learn the types and risks. more »

May 02, 2021

Easy and Effective Home Remedies for Urine Retention

Urine retention is a common problem affecting both men and women due to various reasons. Various home remedies can help deal with the condition. more »

Apr 07, 2021

What Are the Symptoms of UTI and How to Treat It?

The urinary tract infection symptoms may be different based on parts of UTI and different groups. Know how to treat it no matter what the cause is. more »

Mar 03, 2021

Why Does Your Urine Become Foamy?

When your urine become foamy, it may be nothing but can also indicate severe underlying conditions. Find out the causes and ensure you're perfectly healthy. more »

Feb 21, 2021

Causes of Ammonia Odor in Urine and What You Can Do About It

Many factors can cause ammonia odor in urine like diet, dehydration, etc. Often it can be remedied with water intake or diet changes. If not, see a doctor. more »

Jan 06, 2021

11 Causes of Blood in Urine and How to Treat It

Blood in urine may be associated with different causes such as kidney stones, urinary stone and urinary tract infection. Be informed to get adequate treatment. more »

Oct 30, 2020

Bubbles in the Urine: Normal or Not?

What causes bubbles in your urine? You can't overly ignore it since various normal and abnormal conditions can cause urine to bubble. more »

Aug 30, 2020

Elevated Uric Acid Symptoms and Treatment

The elevated uric acid signs include gout, kidney stones, etc. Know what causes it and how to deal with it here. more »

May 18, 2020

Why am I Peeing So Much Before Bed?

Peeing a lot before bed is a common condition, particularly in the over-60s. You can minimize night-time urination through lifestyle changes, and see a doctor when necessary. more »

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